We are big fans of The Last Kingdom and just watched the movie based on the series (based on the books-- lots of "based ons"). I follow Alexander Dramon on IG. In my post asking folks to share where they would like to spend eternity, one subscriber wants to go Viking style. A burning arrow shot out over a body of water, landing on a wooden raft where their corpse awaits Valhala.

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I was just reading about the movie! I'm so glad they did the books justice. Too often a series/movie falls short of the books they're adapted from.

I'm going read the post you mentioned asap. It sounds like great fun. I can't wait to read the responses. I think the viking guy is on to something. Valhalla sounds lit! Tell him to make sure he's holding his sword when he goes! It's the only requirement for entry. Haha!

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